Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Who Are these People?

What can I say? They don't know enough to use a dictionary? It seems, that the Republican Party has begun to reach for the dregs of the barrel. Would they be able to make on the show "Do You Know as Much as a 5th Grader" ?

Amplify’d from www.huffingtonpost.com

Richard (RJ) Eskow

Consultant, Writer, Senior Fellow with The Campaign for America's Future

Posted: December 23, 2010 01:19 PM

Read more at www.huffingtonpost.com

News reports said that Wallison and his fellow Republicans on the Commission also wanted to ban the words "shadow banking," "interconnection," and "deregulation" from a report on the Great Recession and its causes. That's like banning the phrase "plastic surgery" from a story about the Kardashians.

Peter J. Wallison has a bright future...as a surrealist author. He and the other Republicans on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission tried to undermine that group's work by attempting to ban phrases like "Wall Street" from its final report.

Not true, insists Wallison. "Only in the fever-swamps of the left could anyone believe that," he writes. For example, Wallison says he and his colleagues merely objected to the Commission's use of "Wall Street" as "a general term for the financial system." Wallison says it's unacceptable, politically motivated, and imprecise to use the phrase "Wall Street" as if it referred to the controlling financial interests of the United States.

Wall Street: n. The controlling financial interests of the United States.

- American Heritage Dictionary

What do dictionaries matter when you're rewriting reality?
Read more at www.huffingtonpost.com

Sunday, December 19, 2010

People Are Healthier!

Whatever it takes! It seems to me that for many centuries we were all helping each other. It's called community. I love this research, and I think it would be wonderful to see it replicated in places where there is need, including the USA.

Amplify’d from www.npr.org
Children light candles in India

When stacked up against HIV/AIDS, malaria and other fast-moving, deadly diseases, mental illnesses don’t score as high with governments and philanthropies. One reason: the perception that tackling mental illness is too complicated and too costly.

Now an intriguing study in the online version of the medical journal The Lancet suggests that it’s not that hard to tackle some mental conditions. And what may help most of all are therapists with minimal training.

Read more at www.npr.org

Math: User-Friendly Ideas for Learning

Math is only being taught the way it is, because we are still holding on to some antiquated notion that all children will learn (or dropout) just as the 10% who flourish by this elitist methodology.

Read this article to learn that not all those who love math, love the way it's being taught.

Amplify’d from www.npr.org

Vi Hart calls herself "a recreational mathemusician currently living on Long Island." She talks faster than a machine gun, loves math, and draws like a dream. Her newest video: "Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs" is eye-popping.

See more at www.npr.org